While you are browsing
The Eggs Are Hatching.
What is the Cuckoo Egg Project?
Perhaps you already have had a visit from the cuckoo bird and
know the general answer. For the benefit of those who are visiting and have not
yet received an egg here's the basics. We see the project as bit of
hactivism aimed at promoting debate regarding on-line file trading and
artists rights in the digital age.
project is essentially a monkey wrench in the machinery of online
piracy. The method
is relatively simple - by creating an mp3 and renaming it to whatever your
devious mind desires you can subvert the machinery. It's that easy - Napster
users trust that what they see is what they get but we have the power to
change what they get.
We have no
illusions that we brought down Napster. We merely wish to encourage them and the various warring parties
to create a fair use method for listening to and trading music online; one that
respects the artists and the consumer.

Credit where credit is due. Thanks to the following folks: