| Harvard Law School -
Internet &
Society readings page |
 | "Information, like culture, is the result of labor and devotion, investment and risk; it has a value. And nothing will lead to a more deafening cultural silence than ignoring that value and celebrating the "near-perfect anarchy" of Freenet and Napster running amok." By EDWARD ROTHSTEIN NY Times June 10th, 2000 -
Swashbuckling Anarchists Try to Take the Out of Cyberspace
Complete Connections
Article NY Times login required
Napster - Music's Friend or Foe? - June 14, 2000 article at the Wired web site.
 | The Recording Industry Association of America's FAQ
page on Napster - somewhat flawed in portions of it's logic.
Artists Against Piracy
 | Metallica's FAQ
page regarding their dispute with Napster
 | CNN commentary
regarding Napster and online piracy.
 | MP3 Free For Al
from Salon by Janelle Brown
 | Napster May Have Weak Defense in Fight With Music Industry
By CARL S. KAPLAN - May 12, 2000 - NY Times - Cyber Law Journal
NY Times login required.
 | "Money is not the driving force behind music in this or any culture.
People play music, form bands, write songs, and the internet has become a
publishing tool for them even as it has become an apparent threat to the
limo budget of Metallica."
By John Hockenberry - MSNBC News